December 6th 2023
An Organizational Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Genoa Fire Protection District was held on December 6, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. The Meeting was held in person at 305 Main Street, Genoa, Colorado.
Board member in Attendance:
Chester Ewing, Luke Ewing, Mark McHone, Garson Thompson
Others in attendance:
Aimee Bailey, Chief Tim Patton, Will Garlow, Carla Weeks, Assistant Chief Carl Martin, Captain Brenden Houder
Call to order: The meeting was called to order by President Chester Ewing at 7:00pm
Approval of the Agenda: Shawn Boyd moved to approve the agenda and Chester Ewing seconded.
Approval of the minutes: Board members read thought the minutes and Mark McHone moved to accept the minutes and Chester Ewing seconded.
Treasures Report: Will Garlow gave a report that after donations the district balance is $4308.98. Amiee Bailey then gave a report for the fire department they had a balance of $1890.00. she also informed the board that the chili supper made $3210.00 with $1500.00 being from donations, these funds were deposited into the district account.
Unfinished business: Fire dept bylaws: Chief Patton presented the board with a copy of their bylaws for the board to review, after a short discussion Chester Ewing moved to table till next meeting to allow time for board members to read the bylaws.
Mutual aid, Chief Tim Patton informed the board that Limon and Karvel districts had signed agreements and the only one remaining was Washington County.
Chiefs Report: Chief Patton Stated that the department had 4 calls since the last report 3 of which were medical and 1 lift assist. On November 10th they had medical training where they worked on taking vitals, no medical training will be held in December due to the holidays. The fire deptment meeting was putting on the chili supper. Tim stated that the deptment leadership would be partaking in a mass casualty training with the county on January 9th. Chief Patton informed the board that they had lost 1 member and the deptment needed to preform some minor repairs on trucks.
Approval of disbursements:
$144.87 Farm Gas for fuel
$231.82 Law office of Colins Cole and Flynn
$80.00 Will Garlow
Chester Ewing moved to approve all disbursements and Shawn Boyd Seconded; motion passed.
New Business: Garson Thompson presented to the board with the new valuations of the district and stated that the changes will affect the budget and will need to correct the budget when the final valuations are done.
Carla Weeks asked the board to start thinking about what policies are needed so that she could start preparing them.
The next meeting was moved to January 10th due to conflicts with the holidays.
Chester Ewing moved to adjourn and Shawn Boyd Seconded, and the meeting adjourned at 7:47pm